The classical Mein Welt header is gone but not forgotten.
I will always love it. It is part of my life in many different levels.
....and below. the The Welter. or The Welter Schaferhund headers too.
I: Caio Fern, as the supreme Kaiser and Welter Konig declare these are eternal symbols of our beloved country Mein Welt. The lands of these unknown distant mountains of the south of South America will always raise these flags on its fields, always proud for being the isolated God's blessed nation of the superior human race that craps on the rest of the planet's population.

And for the now a last creation with absolute no use .

Caio Fern
I am a misfit painter and I go out with apples living in a land far far away named MEIN WELT where all the descendants of nazis, pirates, slaves, fairys, fundamentalist Christians, Tolkien characters and Ramones's fans can reproduce like rabbits. If you have a good soul , this is MEIN WELT. Be welcome and enjoy the trip ( make this a tiny piece of your home ). JESUS CHRIST BLESS YOU !!